We try so hard to manifest all the things, we make vision boards, try to only think positively, and yet our manifestations still don’t come through. So, what’s blocking your manifestations?
I often talk about how parts of us can block our manifestations and today I wanted to break that down so that you can have that awareness of what is going on inside that can be getting in the way of manifesting.
Internal Family Systems
I view the world through the lens of Internal Family Systems (it’s the therapist in me!). I believe IFS not only works in a therapeutic setting but also within manifestation.
I’ll explain why-
According to Internal Family Systems (IFS) we are made up of many parts, aspects of our personality, and our True Self. Our parts take on new jobs and roles based on our experiences.
Our parts do this as a way to protect us, keep us and our internal system safe. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing to do, especially as we get older. These parts of us are so impacted by our experiences, they internalize then resulting in limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, unhealthy behaviors and ultimately low self-worth (we must be in our worth to manifest).
Our Parts are blocking our manifestations
Our parts do this as a way to protect us, keep us and our internal system safe. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing to do, especially as we get older. These parts of us are so impacted by our experiences, they internalize then resulting in limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, unhealthy behaviors and ultimately low self-worth (we must be in our worth to manifest).
What we want is to have internal harmony, our True Self and the parts of us working together, with True Self in the lead. Often though, the parts take over. They blend with our True Self, and we are then only operating from a place of past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. This is not the place we want to be when we are trying to manifest!
This is where IFS comes in! Using principles of IFS, we learn how to align with our True Self, connect with our parts, and build trusting relationships within the system.
By building that trust and relationships, the parts learn that it is safe to allow our True Self to take the lead. We can also work with these parts holding the past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs, so they can begin to heal, let go, and feel safe. This is where the magic happens!
The more we go inward, talk to our parts, build a relationship, the more we become Self-led. The more we become Self-led, the more we are opening ourselves up to the Universe. We feel inherently worthy, deserving, of what we are trying to manifest. This is because the parts are no longer jumping in based on what happened in the past. Instead, they feel safe and secure to let our True Self take the lead.
How to know if a part is blocking your manifestation-
1. Have a pen and paper ready. Think about what it is you want to manifest. Then sit with it, get quiet.
Bring True Self energy in-
Take some time to get quiet with yourself. Sit somewhere comfortable. Take a few deep cleansing breaths. With each inhale tell yourself that you are bringing in openness, curiosity, and compassion, and with each exhale tell yourself that you are releasing tension, feeling calmer and more relaxed. When you feel like you are in a relaxed state, you are accessing your True Self energy. Notice what comes up around what it is you want to manifest. Just notice. No judgement.
2. Write down the thoughts, emotions, body sensations, you notice when you are trying to focus on your manifestation. These are the parts blocking your manifestations.
3. This practice is about gaining awareness of your invisible scripts and limiting beliefs based on past programming, and conditioning, that your parts are holding onto. Then you can work with this part, instead of invalidating, ignoring, or spiritual bypassing the part. (We’ve all been there!)
4. This information from gives you direction as to which part needs you. By being in your True Self energy, you are open to what the part is saying but you can also see things from a different perspective. Not from the past like the part does. While in True Self energy. get curious about the things you wrote down.
5. Try to find some compassion or openness towards this part. Ask the part to take a step back, take a break, reassure the part that you can handle whatever it is you are trying to manifest. That it is safe. This is how you begin to break these patterns and limiting beliefs from the root.
6. Repeat these steps any time you feel resistance or blocks. Mindful awareness and curiosity are key to connecting with the parts of you struggling to allow your manifestations to flow and to align with your true self energy and the universe.
Bonus Journal Prompts-
-Imagine this part as a younger version of yourself, Ask this part what it is afraid would happen if this manifestation came through?-
-What do you think this part needs to hear from you to feel safe enough to allow you to manifest this?
I hope you enjoy this exercise and that it gives you some insight and awareness into your internal system and those parts that are afraid of you manifesting your most amazing life. When you can end the past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs that are impacting your self-worth, and your manifestations you become truly magnetic!
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How to Manifest Without the Self-Sabotage E-Course
Free Quiz- Are Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Manifestations?
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