Heal Your Past To Manifest

by | Jan 21, 2025 | Beliefs and Blocks | 0 comments

We don’t like to look at our past

I get it! It’s uncomfortable! But we must heal our past to manifest. It’s where all the things are buried: our limiting beliefs, past programming, and conditioning, all of which keep us stuck and unable to move forward or manifest the life we really want.

Those belief systems, programming, and conditioning are rooted in our subconscious layers, silently influencing our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. They also keep us out of alignment with our True Self and the Universe.

We must be in alignment with our True Self and the Universe to manifest.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

I view the world through the lens of Internal Family Systems (it’s the therapist in me!). I believe IFS not only works in a therapeutic setting but also within manifestation.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based therapy modality rooted in the belief that the mind is naturally multiple, composed of many parts, aspects of our personality, and our True Self. Our parts and True Self work together. True Self is what connects us to the Universe, it is our higher self, our authentic self. Our parts are what make us human. However, our parts can also take on new jobs and roles based on our experiences, particularly in childhood/adolescence.

IFS helps us connect with these parts of us, building relationships and trust within our internal world. We no longer have that internal struggle, being pulled in many directions, or second-guessing ourselves or our abilities. IFS brings healing and harmony to our internal system, just the way it was intended to be. I find using IFS a very effective way to heal your past to manifest! Let me tell you how.

the Past Is In The Past

I have heard time and time again that “the past is in the past” or “I’m over it,” when, in reality, the ones saying this are often afraid to dig into those subconscious layers because of the uncomfortable emotions it evokes. Sure, this might be the Scorpio in me, but I love going through the layers of the past! We grow and transform in the discomfort, but it can also be scary.

We often think that if we avoid, bury, or dismiss what we’ve been through in the past, we are over it. Out of sight, out of mind, type of thing. But is that really true? In actuality, all we have done is push it down in our subconscious. It’s all still there.

Our Vulnerable Parts

These are the shadow parts of ourselves, our hurt inner child, that have been exiled away to our subconscious and still impact us every day. On top of that, other parts of us have learned to accommodate, pivot, and try not to trigger or activate those vulnerable parts exiled away. This becomes a perfect storm of losing ourselves, of who we really are, who we were meant to be. We become completely detached from our True Self, our divine calling in this world, and are in survival mode instead. This is not where you want to be when you are trying to manifest!

How To Tell If You Are Truly “Over It”

To tell if you have moved beyond your past, the first step is to be conscious of what is going on internally. Your perceptions of yourself and others. Judgments, criticisms, patterns, and cycles. Becoming mindful of your thought perceptions and reactions is key to understanding if there are limiting beliefs keeping you stuck. A great place to begin is by looking at different aspects of your life. Below is a list to consider. However, feel free to add or delete what is relevant to you. Going through these aspects or areas of your life, explore where you are feeling stuck.

Areas or Aspects Of Your Life





Health and Wellbeing

Living Situation



What narratives were you told about these aspects that still ring true to you, even if you consciously “know better”? Do you notice a reaction within? Do you feel overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, angry, or sad? This is a sure sign that you are not “over it”. And that’s okay! It is all about gathering valuable information to help you move forward.

Patterns and Cycles

Next, look at your patterns and cycles. Are there things you do that feel out of alignment, but you do them anyway?  This could be people pleasing, codependency, perfectionism, procrastination, and overspending, to name a few.

Once you’ve identified these, write them down. Then, take some time to become curious about your perceptions, patterns, cycles, and reactions. Ask yourself where they come from. Follow the thread through your past. Without judgment or criticism, be open to what comes up. This is how you connect with those hurt vulnerable parts of you, hiding in the shadows of your subconscious. Being curious and open is how you know you are accessing your True Self energy.

Healing Your Past To Manifest

As you listen to these vulnerable parts of you, try not to invalidate or dismiss what they are telling you. Instead, give them love, nurture, and reassure them. Ask them how you can help them heal and let go of what they are holding on to. If they are ready, they will tell you. This might need to be an ongoing conversation to build a trusting relationship with that part and to untangle those perceptions of the past. Continue to be curious, open, and patient. Every little bit of work you do with these parts, you are shifting your perceptions.

This is how you truly move forward from and heal your past, letting go of limiting beliefs, past programming, and conditioning that has kept you feeling stuck and disconnected from your True Self and the Universe.


If you are truly “over it,” you won’t experience a reaction or have judgments of criticism of yourself or others based on the aspect of your life you are looking at. You might notice that you’ve already done work in some aspects of your life but haven’t gotten to other aspects yet. This is completely normal. I think depending on where we are at, we focus on what we need at the moment. However, these aspects are interconnected, and you will benefit from doing the internal work on any aspect you feel a reaction from.

In Conclusion

The more we let go of the pains of our past, the more we connect with those vulnerable, hurt parts of ourselves in the shadows of our subconscious, and the more open we are to what the Universe has to offer. The more we grow, transform and become magnetic, the more we will manifest the life we’ve always wanted. Begin now to heal your past to manifest!


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Hey there, I´m Angel

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about manifestation and Internal Family Systems. I’ll share my insights, knowledge, and tips, so that I can help you manifest your most amazing life!




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