Is This Getting In The Way Of Your Manifestations?

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Beliefs and Blocks, Coaching | 0 comments

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confirmation bias

I wanted to talk about something that’s been on my mind, the idea of confirmation bias, and the question, is confirmation bias getting in the way of your manifestations?

If you don’t know what confirmation bias is, it was coined by psychologist Peter Wason. It is defined as “the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and is difficult to dislodge once affirmed.” But first let me explain my manifestation method. You can skip down to the good stuff if you already know it!

Introduction to Manifestation with Internal Family Systems (IFS)

There are so many ways one can manifest. And I am not saying those other ways or methods are wrong, I am just saying that those methods might not work for everyone. We are all unique and need different ways to obtain the same goals or dreams that we are manifesting. My method of manifestation uses Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Unlike other manifestation methods that often dismiss, invalidate, or dismiss any emotions that aren’t positive, this one focuses on addressing the subconscious blocks (those uncomfortable emotions) that get in the way of manifesting. IFS also focuses on bringing us into alignment with our True Self, to become Self-Led, and connected to the Universe. This is how you manifest your most amazing life! But first…

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of transforming your desires and ideas into reality. It is based on the belief that the Universe is constantly giving you what you focus on, so by focusing on your desires, through intentional actions, you can manifest them into your life.

And for manifestation to work we must believe in ourselves. And really truly believe it to our core. We must believe that we can have what we desire.

The Importance of Self-Worth

You probably have seen so many people manifesting successfully, and you don’t get how that is happening. Maybe because they aren’t “good” people. This is the thing. It’s not about good or bad when it comes to self-worth, people can be selfish, self-righteous, unkind, but they believe in themselves. They have high self-worth.

 The secret to manifestation is being in our worth.

This is fundamental. This is the key to manifesting. And it’s not talked about enough. It’s bypassed so often with an unspoken assumption that we are in our worth.

Unfortunately, there are subconscious reasons why we don’t feel worthy of what we are trying to manifest. These are the past programming conditioning, and limiting beliefs that our parts are holding onto.

Addressing Subconscious Blocks

To manifest effectively, we need to delve into our subconscious minds, get to the root of those blocks. Those reasons we are not manifesting the things we desire. Positive thinking is helpful but not enough to create profound shifts. This is because positive thinking is done on a conscious level. Our blocks are in our subconscious. Once we work through these blocks instead of ignoring, avoiding, or dismissing them, then we can use positive thinking. Then it won’t feel like there is something inside fighting us or not believing us. Real manifestation happens once we are in our worth; by addressing the root of our thoughts and feelings, we unlock the incredible potential to manifest our dreams into reality. This is where Internal Family Systems comes in.

 Internal Family Systems (IFS)

I view the world through the lens of Internal Family Systems (it’s the therapist in me!). I believe IFS not only works in a therapeutic setting but also within manifestation.

According to IFS, we are composed of many parts, aspects of our personality, and our True Self. Our parts and True Self work together. Our True Self is what connects us to the Universe, it is our higher self, our authentic self. Our parts are what make us human. However, our parts can also take on new jobs and roles based on our experiences. Particularly in childhood/adolescence. IFS helps us connect with these parts of us building relationships and trust within our internal world. No longer having that internal struggle, being pulled in many directions, or second guessing ourselves or our abilities. IFS brings healing and harmony to our internal system, just the way it was intended to be.

Understanding Our Parts

Our parts take on new roles and jobs as a way to protect us, keep us and our internal system safe. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing to do, especially as our experiences change. These parts of us are so impacted by our experiences, they internalize them often leading to programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, unhealthy behaviors, and ultimately low self-worth. Remember-we must be in our worth to manifest. 

Often times, our parts take over. They blend with our True Self, and we are then only operating from a place of past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. This is not the place we want to be when we are trying to manifest! 

Using principles of IFS, we learn how to align with our True Self, connect with our parts, and build trusting relationships within the system. By building that trust and relationship, the parts learn that it is safe to allow our True Self to take the lead. We can also work with these parts holding the past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs, so they can begin to heal, let go, and feel safe. This is where the magic happens!

Connecting with Your True Self

True Self, also known as our authentic self or higher self, is our intuitive guide. When we are in True Self, we are open to the Universe and can receive what it offers. Accessing True Self energy means being present, connected to our bodies, and aligned with the creative consciousness of the Universe.

Knowing you’re in True Self involves experiencing at least one of the 8 C’s: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness. In other words, are you feeling open? These qualities signify that you are aligned with your True Self and ready to co-create the life you desire with the Universe.

Becoming Self-Led

The more we go inward, talk to our parts, build a relationship, the more we become Self-led. The more we become Self-led, the more we are opening ourselves up to the Universe. We feel inherently worthy, deserving, of what we are trying to manifest. This is because the parts are no longer jumping in based on what happened in the past. Instead, they feel safe and secure to let our True Self take the lead.

This creates internal harmony and opens us up to the Universe. By working with our parts, we can heal from past programming and limiting beliefs, making space for our manifestations to flow in.

This is how I use IFS to manifest, and it’s my goal to help you too! I guide individuals to get to the root of the subconscious blocks that gets in the way of their manifestations. Through alignment with their True Self, connection with all parts of themselves, and becoming Self-Led, they become open to the Universe and manifest their most amazing lives.

Confirmation bias can be a good thing or a bad thing

I was talking to friend recently about how she felt like she jinxed herself and was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I hear this often with clients, they can’t thoroughly enjoy something out of fear that the good thing will be taken away. That something bad will inevitably happen. They often can tell me these strings of events that confirm this for them in their minds.

I often find myself poking holes in their theories, cutting threads tied to beliefs that are no longer in service to them, attempting to help them shift perception. I explain that life has a natural rhythm of ebbs and flows, ups and downs, and if you can truly appreciate the ups, the flows, the ebbs and downs are easier to handle. One- because we  are being present in the good times, and two because the ups and flows will return.

Nobody can be in a perpetual state of “up” or flow. But by being mindful and thoroughly enjoying that time, helps us return to it easily. This is the idea of positive confirmation bias.

Think about our seasons

There is a natural ebb and flow. We didn’t do anything to make the leaves change and fall off tress in the fall. We didn’t jinx ourselves when snow begins. I say this knowing we have global warming, however that is cause and effect. That is not jinxing. That is man thinking he can rule everything and there will be no consequences. —

Most times my clients are open to this. Sometimes however, parts of them dig their heals in so deep that they don’t want to see it any other way.

The thing about our brain

The brain is naturally negative and this because it is trying to keep us safe. This is the fight, flight, freeze, fawn response when the parasympathetic nervous system gets activated. The brain equates everything to a threat by a saber tooth tiger. That email you must respond to. Not finding a parking space. Getting caught in the rain. Not getting a text back. Saber tooth tiger hiding in the bushes.

It wants to be on high alert, keep you in your comfort zone. But that comfort zone is the zone of lies. When we go out of our comfort zone and it doesn’t go perfect, that part of you is ready to tell you all the ways you shouldn’t have gotten overly confident, cocky even. It will thread all the situations, the things, you said, thought, and show you how you brought this on yourself.

How this gets in the way of manifesting

Our brains love a story. It is always putting together clues, information, and when it’s negative it can be downright stunting.

However, if we can have that part back up a bit. Talk to it (yes, I’m a big fan of talking to myself!) help it shift perceptions, this is when confirmation bias can be very helpful.

Instead of that part following the thread of negative things that keep you feeling stuck and stunted, it can follow the thread to the positive things, helping you grow and flourish.

Now you know I’m not a fan of positive thinking only rhetoric especially if it is done in a way that invalidates parts of you feeling some type of way. However, if you can work with these parts to help them shift, you’re no longer invalidating or dismissing them. Instead, you are teaching them to see things differently.

This is when things open up. You no longer dismiss signs and nudges from the Universe or your intuition. You see the good things that are happening to you and around you without fear of the other shoe dropping of jinxing yourself. Instead, when things happen you understand that it wasn’t because of this, it is because of a more realistic reason.

The Universe isn’t out to get you

And anyway, I don’t believe the Universe is trying to fuck with us. But I do think she tries to nudge us on our path. So maybe you can see the so-called negative thing as a sign to do something else. Slow down, take a break, notice nature. Who knows.

But when our parts start to look at things from a different lens, this is when magic happens.

Again, I’m not huge on the positive thinking only. I consider myself a realistic optimist, seeing things at least at 51%. I don’t have to be 100% positive just that little bit to get me over the hump to keep me optimistic. And there are times when I’m at 100% or 80%, or 20%. It’s just not all the time. It’s about getting your baseline where you want it, realistically.

Things will still get to you, things will still happen, but the point is not to take it personally thinking the Universe is out to get you. She doesn’t roll like that.

Shifting the negative confirmation bias

You can do this by working with those parts of you holding onto negative beliefs. I’m sure they had good reason when they started doing this job, but the reason is most likely gone by now. So let them take a break. Kindly ask the part to step back.

Sometimes, it is very powerful to reorient the part to time and space. Since the part is sometimes in the past and thinks that we are still children, because it started doing this when we were younger, the part doesn’t understand that we have grown, we are most likely not in the situation when it began doing this job. So, I always start with my age, what year it is, where I live, the address-if you moved out of your childhood home. If not, skip this part. This is powerful because this is kind of an “aha” moment for the part.

With this new information, the part begins to understand that it is safe, that you are capable because you are no longer a child in the same situation. It can trust that you can handle things because of this. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

This helps us manifest by being able to trust the process

Follow the signs, nudges, and clues from the Universe. It helps us open up to possibility and co-create the life we were destined for. We weren’t destined to live small. This is what negative confirmation bias does. Help those parts of you shift out of this and into alignment with True Self.

To promote positive confirmation bias, you can practice asking the Universe to show you a sign, say a butterfly or something like that. All of a sudden you will begin seeing butterflies everywhere. They probably have always been there, but now they are on your radar. This is the difference between positive confirmation bias and negative confirmation bias.

We can retrain our brain (our parts) to notice things that are helpful, instead of going down the rabbit hole of how we are jinxed or when something good does happen for us, it is only because it was a fluke or luck, instead of seeing that we are magnetic beings, worthy of good things. Try this out and let me know how it goes! Comment below!


Free Quiz: Unlock Your Power: Transform Your Limiting Beliefs
Free How to Tap Into Your Intuition Guide
How to Manifest Without the Self-Sabotage E-Course.
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Hey there, I´m Angel

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about manifestation and Internal Family Systems. I’ll share my insights, knowledge, and tips, so that I can help you manifest your most amazing life!




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