I recently asked my newsletter subscribers what frustrates them most about manifesting. What gets in the way? What do they notice are their biggest blocks? And self-doubt around if I truly deserve or can achieve what I am trying to manifest was the most given response.
Self-Doubt is Getting in The Way of Manifesting
So, I wanted to get into that today. struggling with self-doubt. Why we doubt ourselves. Behavioral signs of self-doubt in manifestation, and how to let go of self-doubt and be open to manifestation. After this you will better understand why you doubt yourself, where it comes from. How it shows up in your life, and what you can do about it so you can become your most magnetic.
What Is Self-Doubt?
Before we get into all of that I want to define what self-doubt is. Self-doubt is the lack of confidence in oneself and one’s abilities, often resulting in hesitation, second-guessing, and fear of failure. It can manifest as uncertainty about personal worth, decision-making, or the likelihood of success, leading individuals to question their potential and prevent them from taking action toward their goals.
Just by reading the definition of self-doubt we can see the multitude of ways it keeps us stuck. Why we can feel less deserving. Not only in our manifestation practice, but in many aspects of life.
I Struggled with Self-Doubt Too
And I fully understand. I spent years doubting myself and because of that my manifestation practice greatly suffered. I was a perfectionist, everything had to be just right. Deep down I didn’t believe I was worthy, deserving, of manifesting the things I was trying to bring in. And with every failed attempt, I sunk deeper into that self-doubt. Things didn’t change until I decided I need to dig in and explore what was going on subconsciously that was blocking me from feeling worthy and deserving of my manifestations.
The Root of Our Self-Doubt
Self-doubt comes from somewhere. I’m sure many of you can remember a time in childhood when self-doubt didn’t exist. You were fearless, confident. Then something happened that shifted your perspective to begin doubting yourself and your abilities.
Past Failures and Disappointments
Sometimes this can be past failures or disappointments. We often carry the weight of past experiences where we didn’t achieve our desired outcome, leading to a belief that we might fail again. For some reason we think we must get it all right. All the time. But in reality, that’s so not true. I think it’s becoming more known that our failures bring us our desired outcomes. That the most successful people have a multitude of failures behind them. This is how they became successful. Not by getting it right the first time. No, they became successful by learning from their failures, growing, becoming more flexible, and able to pivot. They have learned not to listen to their egos. Our egos are the one hurt by failures. If we can recognize that, separate from it. We stop personalizing failures and look at them as a learning opportunity instead.
Fear of the Unknown
Fear of the unknown is another reason we doubt ourselves. When we manifest, we are stepping into uncertainty. Many of us fear the outcome might not align with our expectations, or that change will be overwhelming. As a whole people fear change, even if it’s something we are asking for. A part of us wants to keep things the way it is, because it is safe. But we aren’t going up against a saber tooth tiger like our ancestors were. We are manifesting a new job, a new home, love, abundance. We must learn to decipher between real and fictional threats because this part is unable to.
Cultural or Societal Conditioning
Cultural or societal conditioning is another root cause of self-doubt. One factor is societal or familial influences can reinforce skepticism around “non-traditional” concepts like manifestation, causing us to doubt own beliefs or abilities. There are other ways conditioning can show up. An example is we could have been conditioned to be more traditional, marriage, home, children, yet something in you longs for travel, being a nomad. This conditioning can seep in, poking holes in what you want and planting doubts because it goes against what you were told.
Another is perfectionism. We may doubt ourselves because we feel like we’re not manifesting “correctly” or doing it well enough, and if we aren’t doing it “correctly”, then how can we feel deserving? This all leads to self-sabotage, keeps us stuck, and not even trying.
Limiting Beliefs
And the last one is limiting beliefs. You didn’t think I was going to let that one slide, did you?
Many of us hold subconscious beliefs that limit our sense of worthiness. Thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve this” which blocks our manifestations. If you have been following me for any amount of time, you know that I feel that limiting beliefs are the major root factor as to why our manifestations don’t come through. Parts of us have held onto these beliefs for years. Allowing them to fester in the subconscious but dictate all aspects of our lives.

How Self-Doubt Shows Up
Now that we know the root of our self-doubt. I want to explore how it shows up in our lives. This way you can begin to recognize patterns, behaviors, and begin to do something different. We will get to that soon! But first, self-doubt can show up in many ways.
One is procrastination or inaction. We may put off taking steps toward our goals, convinced that it won’t work out.
Negative self-talk is another. This isn’t a behavior, but it does show up internally. If your inner dialogues sound something like “I can’t do this” or “This never works for me”, these are clear signs of self-doubt.
Our anxious parts may obsess over overanalyzing every detail. This could be whether we’re using the right manifestation techniques, or we second-guess our intentions.
We often give up too quickly. We may abandon our manifestation efforts after not seeing quick results, reinforcing the belief that it’s not possible.
We seek constant reassurance. We might repeatedly ask others for validation about whether manifestation is real, indicating a lack of trust in ourselves. We also might ask others to validate what we are trying to manifest, not having faith that we truly want what we are trying to co-create.
How to Let Go of Self-Doubt and Be Open to Manifestation
I know I say this often, but becoming mindfully aware of what is going on internally is the key to breaking these thought processes that contribute to self-doubt. Awareness helps us make space between that and our True Self. When we are in our True Self energy, we feel confident, we’re open, curious. Self-doubt comes from a part of us, not our True Self. Remember, we must be in alignment with our True Self to connect with the Universe and manifest. When we allow self-doubt to take over, True Self is not in the room.
Awareness is Key
To let go of self-doubt before anything else we must become aware of what the root is. As I said earlier that can be limiting beliefs, cultural or societal conditioning, past failures, fear of the unknown, or perfectionism. This isn’t a comprehensive list; I added the ones that I see the most. Being mindful of the thoughts around self-doubt pave the way to the root. Once we can identify the root, we can gently challenge it. Start by identifying the root cause of your self-doubt.
Journaling can help you become aware of this. Once recognized, gently challenge the part holding the belief. Let the part know it is safe to think differently, that you don’t agree that you are “undeserving” or “unworthy”. Begin replacing them with empowering thoughts like “I am worthy” or “I deserve this.” See how the part feels about this. If there is resistance, keep building a relationship between your True Self and the part. Give the part some love! This builds trust with the part and will help the part let go of the root cause.
Small Wins
Next, focus on small wins. To build trust in the process, focus on manifesting smaller goals. These achievements will provide confidence in your ability to manifest bigger things later. Now let’s take it out of manifestation and focus on small wins in all aspects of your life. If you can celebrate small wins, you are building yourself up. It will no longer feel like “luck” or a “fluke” when something goes your way. You did that! This breaks down self-doubt, builds confidence and self-worth.
Another way to let go of self-doubt is by practicing self-compassion. I say this often because it works. Be kind to yourself if doubts arise. It’s normal to experience doubts, but it doesn’t mean it has to take over. Acknowledge the part feeling doubtful, thank it for coming up, let it know you understand why it feels this way. But it doesn’t need to be the one calling the shots. Be mindful of other parts that could potentially get angry or frustrated with this part as well. Ask them to step aside and let you talk to the doubtful part.
Detach From the Outcome
Detaching from the outcome can be difficult, believe me I struggle with this sometimes myself! Trust the timing of the universe. Instead of fixating on the result, focus on the process and how it feels to align with what you desire. Letting go allows the manifestation to unfold naturally. Remind the doubtful part of this.
Affirm and Visualize
Once you are aware of the root, acknowledge the part holding onto the self-doubt, and begin building trust with this part to shift its perception you can use affirmations and visualization. Use affirmations like “I trust in the process” and visualize your desired outcome with as much emotional belief as possible. Repeating this practice helps continue to shift this part’s perception.
Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People
For an extra boost, surround yourself with like-minded people. Engage in communities, books, or podcasts that uplift your belief in manifestation. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will further position you to believe in yourself because you are witnessing others that believe in themselves. You become each other’s cheerleaders and supports. It’s so powerful to have people doing this work around where you can build one another up, celebrate manifestation wins, positively influence one another and help you see what you are capable of.
Getting to the root of self-doubt identifies the part holding onto the belief. By working with the part in various aspects, you are shifting this part’s perception to trusting and not doubtful. You begin to feel deserving and worthy of what you are manifesting. You’re also building trust in the system, with your True Self in the lead. And that’s what we want, to have access to True Self energy, free from the parts blending, so we can manifest our most amazing lives.
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