Align With The Universe

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Beliefs and Blocks, Coaching, Manifestation, True Self | 0 comments

I often talk about aligning with the Universe on my social media, newsletter, and in my blog posts. But what does it really mean to align with the Universe?

Aligning with the Universe involves tuning into a sense of flow, connection, and trust in a greater cosmic order. When we are aligned with our True Self, we are more open to the energy of the Universe and can manifest more easily. When we align with the Universe, it means that we are free of blocks and barriers that are getting in the way of connecting to something bigger than us. It’s the energy that is beyond us but is connected to all of the things. You can call it the Universe, higher power, God, whatever feels right to you. I, personally call it the Universe. There is no right or wrong answer. Before I get into all of this, let me share a little background on Internal Family Systems and manifestation, my method to manifestation.

Introduction to Manifestation with Internal Family Systems (IFS)

There are so many ways one can manifest. And I am not saying those other ways or methods are wrong, I am just saying that those methods might not work for everyone. We are all unique and need different ways to obtain the same goals or dreams that we are manifesting. My method of manifestation uses Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Unlike other manifestation methods that often dismiss, invalidate, or dismiss any emotions that aren’t positive, this one focuses on addressing the subconscious blocks (those uncomfortable emotions) that get in the way of manifesting. IFS also focuses on bringing us into alignment with our True Self, to become Self-Led, and connected to the Universe. This is how you manifest your most amazing life! But first…

What is Manifestation?

Manifestation is the process of transforming your desires and ideas into reality. It is based on the belief that the Universe is constantly giving you what you focus on, so by focusing on your desires, through intentional actions, you can manifest them into your life.

And for manifestation to work we must believe in ourselves. And really truly believe it to our core. We must believe that we can have what we desire.

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

I view the world through the lens of Internal Family Systems (it’s the therapist in me!). I believe IFS not only works in a therapeutic setting but also within manifestation.

According to IFS, we are composed of many parts, aspects of our personality, and our True Self. Our parts and True Self work together. True Self is what connects us to the Universe, it is our higher self, our authentic self. Our parts are what make us human. However, our parts can also take on new jobs and roles based on our experiences. Particularly in childhood/adolescence. IFS helps us connect with these parts of us building relationships and trust within our internal world. No longer having that internal struggle, being pulled in many directions, or second guessing ourselves or our abilities. IFS brings healing and harmony to our internal system, just the way it was intended to be.

The Importance of Self-Worth

You probably have seen so many people manifesting successfully, and you don’t get how that is happening. Maybe because they aren’t “good” people. This is the thing. It’s not about good or bad when it comes to self-worth, people can be selfish, self-righteous, unkind, but they believe in themselves. They have high self-worth.

 The secret to manifestation is being in our worth.

This is fundamental. This is the key to manifesting. And it’s not talked about enough. It’s bypassed so often with an unspoken assumption that we are in our worth.

Unfortunately, there are subconscious reasons why we don’t feel worthy of what we are trying to manifest. These are the past programming conditioning, and limiting beliefs that our parts are holding onto.

Addressing Subconscious Blocks

To manifest effectively, we need to delve into our subconscious minds, get to the root of those blocks. Those reasons we are not manifesting the things we desire. Positive thinking is helpful but not enough to create profound shifts. This is because positive thinking is done on a conscious level. Our blocks are in our subconscious. Once we work through these blocks instead of ignoring, avoiding, or dismissing them, then we can use positive thinking. Then it won’t feel like there is something inside fighting us or not believing us. Real manifestation happens once we are in our worth; by addressing the root of our thoughts and feelings, we unlock the incredible potential to manifest our dreams into reality. This is where Internal Family Systems comes in.

Understanding Our Parts

Our parts take on new roles and jobs as a way to protect us, keep us and our internal system safe. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing to do, especially as our experiences change. These parts of us are so impacted by our experiences, they internalize them often leading to programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, unhealthy behaviors, and ultimately low self-worth. Remember-we must be in our worth to manifest. 

Often times, our parts take over. They blend with our True Self, and we are then only operating from a place of past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. This is not the place we want to be when we are trying to manifest! 

Using principles of IFS, we learn how to align with our True Self, connect with our parts, and build trusting relationships within the system. By building that trust and relationship, the parts learn that it is safe to allow our True Self to take the lead. We can also work with these parts holding the past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs, so they can begin to heal, let go, and feel safe. This is where the magic happens!

Connecting with Your True Self

True Self, also known as our authentic self or higher self, is our intuitive guide. When we are in True Self, we are open to the Universe and can receive what it offers. Accessing True Self energy means being present, connected to our bodies, and aligned with the creative consciousness of the Universe.

Knowing you’re in True Self involves experiencing at least one of the 8 C’s: compassion, curiosity, clarity, creativity, calm, confidence, courage, and connectedness. In other words, are you feeling open? These qualities signify that you are aligned with your True Self and ready to co-create the life you desire with the Universe. Being in True Self energy is also how we connect with our parts.

Becoming Self-Led

The more we go inward, talk to our parts, build a relationship, the more we become Self-led. The more we become Self-led, the more we are opening ourselves up to the Universe. We feel inherently worthy, deserving, of what we are trying to manifest. This is because the parts are no longer jumping in based on what happened in the past. Instead, they feel safe and secure to let our True Self take the lead.

This creates internal harmony and opens us up to the Universe. By working with our parts, we can heal from past programming and limiting beliefs, making space for our manifestations to flow in.

What’s Blocking you From Aligning With The Universe?

What are those blocks and barriers that get in the way of aligning with the Universe, you might ask? Blocks come in many forms. I have noticed that with women particularly, limiting beliefs are the main culprit to blocking us from being in alignment with the Universe. These limiting beliefs are usually rooted in childhood and really hurt our self-worth. These beliefs could be, “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m undeserving”. Which can get in the way of manifesting career goals or relationships. We could have a lack mentality, or a scarcity mindset around money. The thing about these blocks is that they can be unblocked. That acknowledgment right there is empowering. The limiting beliefs are often subconscious and play out in our behaviors and mindset, including perfectionism, procrastination, people pleasing, caretaker, and inner critic. These self-sabotaging behaviors keep us out of alignment with the Universe.

Self-sabotaging behaviors are also parts of us that have been forced into these roles as a way to protect us and keep us safe. They haven’t caught on that these jobs they are doing are no longer helpful. And that these things lower our self-worth. If you would like to learn more about how to gain awareness of these limiting beliefs check out this blog post here!

How to Align with the Universe

When we can identify and detach from the parts of us that block us from the Universe, we are able to align with our True Self. When we are in our True Self, this is when we are in our worth and can align with the Universe. This doesn’t mean that we have ridden ourselves of these parts, or pretended that these parts don’t exist. That is spiritual bypassing. The Universe isn’t keen on this. Instead, when we learn to work with the parts of us that are sabotaging, holding onto limiting beliefs, programming, and conditioning, we gain the ability to become Self-led, meaning our True Self is in the driver seat. This is when we become aligned with the Universe.

Since True Self is our authentic self or higher self, this is when we are aligning with an energy that is bigger than us. Learn more about True Self in this post here! We cannot be in True Self 24/7, and we cannot get rid of our parts. Our parts are what make us human. But we can be Self-led. We can work with our parts, heal the parts that need to be healed, and teach them new ways to help us that are not sabotaging. This is how we not only manifest but also amplify our manifestations! Yes! You heard me correctly; we can teach our parts to help us manifest!

Journaling Exercise to Get Into True Self

By learning how to align with True Self through this journal exercise, you are learning how to open space for the Universe.

Find a quiet space where you can relax and center yourself. Take a few deep breaths and bring your awareness to the present moment.

-Visualize a wise, compassionate, and loving presence within you—the essence of your True Self.

-Write a letter to your True Self, expressing any questions, concerns, or desires you may have. Ask for guidance, clarity, and support in aligning with the Universe and living authentically.

   – Then, allow yourself to receive responses from your True Self. Write down any insights, intuitive messages, or words of wisdom that come to you.

   – Reflect on how you can embody the qualities of your True Self in your daily life and deepen your connection with this inner source of wisdom and guidance.

5 Powerful Practices To Align With The Universe

1. Daily Meditation and Mindfulness Practice-

Just as you can use meditation and mindfulness practices to align with your True Self, you can also use them to align with the Universe. Take 10-20 minutes each day for meditation or mindfulness practice (even if you can do a couple of minutes, you will see benefits!). Focus on your breath, a mantra, or simply observe your thoughts without judgment. You can also practice guided meditations that focus on connecting with Universal energy or aligning with your higher self. Insight Timer, an app is an excellent resource for tons of free guided meditations. Here’s the link! Insight Timer: Guided Meditation

Why this is a powerful practice: Meditation quiets the mind and allows you to connect with your True Self. It helps you detach from resistance, negative thoughts, and distractions, making space for the natural flow of the Universe to guide you. Through mindfulness, you become more present, which enhances your ability to notice synchronicities and messages from the Universe.

Need Help Quieting Your Mind?

Sometimes it’s difficult to quiet the mind. Our parts are always trying to get our attention, remind us of our never-ending to-do lists, bring up things that make us anxious, like a conversation we had with a coworker the other day, or just that constant chatter that goes on in our minds. I know this happens to me quite often, so I wanted to share something that I do that helps me quiet the mind when meditating and it’s a visualization.

I visualize myself in a place where I can then separate my parts from me. For me, I visualize this place in Tulum Mexico that I have visited often. It’s the Domo at Holistika. I’ve been there many times for sound baths, ecstatic dance, past life regression hypnotherapy, the place is magical. When you enter the dome, they set up mats all around the walls, so it is a large circle. I envision myself in the middle, sitting on the floor on a mat, with my parts sitting around me on their mats. By doing this, I am unblending and separating from the parts. Doing this makes it much easier for me to meditate because I am not being interrupted by my parts. Instead, my parts are on their mats, and they are also meditating with me. Yes, you can teach your parts skills, tools, practices. This way they all get the benefits from it!

Now, you don’t have to visualize the dome like I do, some people visualize themselves in a park or somewhere in nature with their parts facing them, like they are the audience to your True Self. Think of somewhere that resonates with you, perhaps somewhere where you get a good vibe from, and try this out while you meditate. If the parts try to get your attention, you can direct them back to their mats, or seats, or spot on the grass, then continue with your meditation.

This is the Domo at Holistika, Tulum Mexico. The top and right side photos are the interior, bottom left is the doorway into the Domo.

2. Gratitude Journaling

Keep a gratitude journal where you write down at least three things you are grateful for each day. Focus on both big and small things, from significant life events to simple moments of joy and how they make you feel. This is the key to gratitude. It’s not just listing things, it’s that feeling of gratitude and other emotions that really get you aligned. You can include affirmations like “I am grateful for the guidance of the Universe” or “I trust the Universe to bring me what I need.”

Why this is a powerful practice: Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns your energy with abundance and positivity (not in a spiritual bypassing way, either). When you express gratitude, you send out a frequency of appreciation, which attracts more positive experiences. This practice helps you trust in the flow of life and feel more connected to the Universe’s supportive energy.

3. Spend Time in Nature

Take regular walks in nature, whether in a park, forest, beach, or any natural setting. Use this time to unplug from technology, observe your surroundings, and tune into the sounds, sights, and smells of nature. You can also engage in activities like gardening or simply sitting in a quiet spot outside to ground yourself. Utilize grounding or earthing to connect to the Universe by going barefoot in the grass to feel the Earth’s energy.

Why this is a powerful practice: Nature has a calming and grounding effect that helps align you with the natural rhythms of the Universe. Being in nature allows you to tap into the Earth’s energy, which can help clear your mind, reduce stress, and increase your sense of interconnectedness with all living things.

4. Practice Intuitive Activities

Engage in activities that strengthen your intuition, such as journaling your dreams, practicing automatic writing, using oracle or tarot cards, or simply taking time each day to listen to your inner voice. Pay attention to gut feelings, hunches, and subtle nudges.

Why this is a powerful practice: Developing your intuition helps you connect more deeply with the Universe’s guidance. Intuitive practices encourage you to trust your inner knowing, which aligns you with your True Self and the flow of the Universe. By following intuitive insights, you open yourself up to new possibilities and synchronicities.

If you would like to learn more on how to tap into your intuition, I offer a FREE 18 page guide and workbook! Get it here!

5. Create an Aligned Ritual or Routine

Develop a daily or weekly ritual that helps you feel connected to the Universe. This could include lighting a candle, burning incense, setting an intention, practicing yoga, or chanting mantras. Use this time to center yourself, reflect on your desires, and feel the presence of universal support.

Why this is a powerful practice: Rituals and routines can anchor your intention to align with the Universe. They serve as a reminder of your connection to a greater cosmic order and help you cultivate a sense of trust and alignment. By regularly dedicating time to this practice, you strengthen your bond with the Universe and create a sacred space for manifestation.

These powerful practices foster a deeper connection with your True Self and align you with the Universe’s energy, enhancing your ability to manifest your your most amazing life! Try them out and let me know how it goes!

Are Your Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Manifestations?

Take the quiz to find out!

We all carry limiting beliefs, but the real question is:

Are your beliefs blocking your manifestations and from living the life you were meant to live? Be the person you were meant to be?

Dive into our quiz to see how your limiting beliefs are impacting your life, blocking you from manifesting & becoming your most magnetic and empowering self.


Get The IFS-Informed Inner Parts Journal & Workbook Here

Check out the Podcast here

Insight Timer: Guided Meditation

IFS-Informed Manifestation Coaching Package-click to learn more a book a discovery call!

How to Manifest Without the Self-Sabotage E-Course
Free Quiz- Are Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Manifestations?
Find True Self Manifestation here.
Free How to Tap Into Your Intuition Guide
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Hey there, I´m Angel

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about manifestation and Internal Family Systems. I’ll share my insights, knowledge, and tips, so that I can help you manifest your most amazing life!




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Are Your Limiting Beliefs blocking your manifestations? 

We all carry limiting beliefs, but the real question is: Are your beliefs blocking your manifestations and from living the life you were meant to live? Be the person you were meant to be?

Dive into our quiz to see how your limiting beliefs are impacting your life, blocking you from manifesting & becoming your most magnetic and empowering self.
