True Self and Manifestation

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Coaching, Manifestation, True Self | 0 comments

What is True Self and Why is it Important For Manifestation?

True Self is another name for our authentic self, higher self, intuition, even soul, or spirit. You’re probably familiar with the phrase as it gets used interchangeably with the others. True Self is our essence. As I explained in this blog post, True Self works with our parts daily. And our parts are what make us human.  

Our True Self, on the other hand, is what connects us to the Universe. It’s an energy, a feeling, a knowing. True Self is free of pressures, expectations, fears, anxiety. It just is. It’s that gut feeling when we know something is not right, even if we can’t prove it. It’s that intuitive hit we get to check something out or notice something we haven’t before. When we are in True Self, we are in tune with ourselves, mind, and body. We are present. And we are in alignment with the Universe. True Self is part of my manifestation method that also uses Internal Family Systems. Keep reading to learn all about it and why True Self is so important for manifesting.


There are so many ways one can manifest. And I am not saying those other ways or methods are wrong, I am just saying that those methods might not work for everyone. We are all unique and need different ways to obtain the same goals or dreams that we are manifesting. My method of manifestation uses Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Unlike other manifestation methods that often dismiss, invalidate, or dismiss any emotions that aren’t positive, this one focuses on addressing the subconscious blocks (those uncomfortable emotions) that get in the way of manifesting. IFS also focuses on bringing us into alignment with our True Self, to become Self-Led, and connected to the Universe. This is how you manifest your most amazing life! But first…


Manifestation is the process of transforming your desires and ideas into reality. It is based on the belief that the Universe is constantly giving you what you focus on, so by focusing on your desires, through intentional actions, you can manifest them into your life.

And for manifestation to work we must believe in ourselves. And really truly believe it to our core. We must believe that we can have what we desire.


I view the world through the lens of Internal Family Systems (it’s the therapist in me!). I believe IFS not only works in a therapeutic setting but also within manifestation.

According to IFS, we are composed of many parts, aspects of our personality, and our True Self. Our parts and True Self work together. Our True Self is what connects us to the Universe, it is our higher self, our authentic self. Our parts are what make us human. However, our parts can also take on new jobs and roles based on our experiences. Particularly in childhood/adolescence. IFS helps us connect with these parts of us building relationships and trust within our internal world. No longer having that internal struggle, being pulled in many directions, or second guessing ourselves or our abilities. IFS brings healing and harmony to our internal system, just the way it was intended to be.


Our parts take on new roles and jobs as a way to protect us, keep us and our internal system safe. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s the best thing to do, especially as our experiences change. These parts of us are so impacted by our experiences, they internalize them often leading to programming, conditioning, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, unhealthy behaviors, and ultimately low self-worth. Remember-we must be in our worth to manifest. 

Often times, our parts take over. They blend with our True Self, and we are then only operating from a place of past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs. This is not the place we want to be when we are trying to manifest! 

Using principles of IFS, we learn how to align with our True Self, connect with our parts, and build trusting relationships within the system. By building that trust and relationship, the parts learn that it is safe to allow our True Self to take the lead. We can also work with these parts holding the past programming, conditioning, and limiting beliefs, so they can begin to heal, let go, and feel safe. This is where the magic happens!

Why is it Important For Manifestation?

True Self is our gateway, our path to the Universe. When we are in True Self, we can talk to the Universe, feel the energy. It’s a direct link to her. And this is also when we notice the Universe talking back with those gut feelings and intuitive hits. If True Self isn’t in the room, or in other words, if the parts have taken over, we are unable to connect with the Universe. That doesn’t mean we attempt to get rid of our parts. I talk more in depth about our parts and our self-sabotaging behaviors in the blog post, “self-sabotaging manifestation.” Read it here!

That also doesn’t mean we can only be in True Self with none of our parts around, ever. This is impossible. Buddhist monks that have been meditating daily for 30 years can’t be in True Self 24/7. But that’s okay! We don’t want to. Instead, we want to utilize the power of True Self to work with the parts of us that block our meditations, give those parts the things they were never able to receive including validation, love, or compassion. So that our parts can work with True Self in our meditation practice and not against us. This is why True Self is important for manifestation.

Want to Learn More?

One on One Coaching
Free Quiz- Are Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Manifestations?
Find True Self Manifestation here.
Free How to Tap Into Your Intuition Guide
How to Manifest Without the Self-Sabotage E-Course
Read the blog here.
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Hey there, I´m Angel

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about manifestation and Internal Family Systems. I’ll share my insights, knowledge, and tips, so that I can help you manifest your most amazing life!




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